3.Steve was about to answer, but Hazel spoke first.
4.He was about to speak.Again he bottled himself up.
5.He is about to embark on a new business venture.
6.She was about to alter the trimmings of the dress.
7.The makers are about to launch out a new product.
8.As Stanton is about to kill Michael, U.S.Marshall Sooter shoots Stanton instead.
9.Zounds of meteors, launched by an evil alien intelligence, are about to destroy Earth.
10.The musical theater company is about to launch a new performer on the musical world.
11.There was a rumour that he was about to resign, but apparently there’s nothing in it.
12.CJ. What's up, homie? Hey - my shit is so tight right now, it's about to bust!
13.Just when he is about to order an all-out fightback, Maureen suddenly arrives with her team to garrison at his house.
14.The story goes that during a debate in the Commons on what to call the bell, Sir Benjamin was about to give his ideas when a backbencher shouted, 'Let's call it Big Ben.
15.When he was about to leave, the Master asked him to take some money and return home in a boat or carriage.But Latu declared he had a few pennies and jingled the coins in his pocket.